by Saks (Linus Peter Nørregaard Schaksen)

An epic and bleak tale of hope, honor and colonization of Vinland inspired by Icelandic sagas. How much are the Norse willing to sacrifice to preserve their honor and survive when conflicts both with the natives and within their own ranks come to a head?


Players: 4

Gamemasters: 1

Total runtime: 4-5 hours

Language: Danish and English

Age limit: 13+

Material to be read: 3 pages, Game Master: 15-20 pages

Four AIs, mentally far superior to humans, meet shortly after they have emerged and discover that they have the power to influence the development of humanity. We follow the development, considerations, and moral dilemmas of the four AIs, in snapshots over the next 200 years of human history. For what does one do with such power? Can they make themselves masters of the world of their creators? Can they justify not intervening when they can foresee catastrophic events long before humans can? 

The scenario is played as short scenes where the players, as the four AIs, face various dilemmas. Between these scenes, players and the Game Master together describe the development of humanity: How society, culture, and science evolve, and how the AIs' involvement or lack thereof, influences the course of history.

Players: 4

Gamemasters: 1

Total runtime: 4-5 hours

Language: Danish and English

Age limit: 13+

Material to be read: 3 pages, Game Master: 15-20 pages

Player types:

You enjoy playing characters that are open to interpretation and are different. You might be the Game Master yourself, or you might like to play along as a helper GM, without carrying the entire responsibility for the story. You enjoy storytelling and coming up with ideas, and you love Sci-fi.


Gamemaster type:

You love Science Fiction. You don't need to know anything about AI, but you enjoy guiding your players and facilitating them developing a world and tell a coherent story together with you. The scenario is not difficult to run.