Fastaval is a big place with a lot of people for almost a week. Our participants come from all over the world across age, education, gender, and sexualities. Some people come here to play a lot of roleplaying games, others prefer Magic the Gathering and some are just here to hang out with old and new friends. But whoever you are and no matter why you are here, it is important that you feel safe – both as a participant and as an organizer.
On this page, you can read about how the Fastaval organization keeps you safe and how we handle conflicts and individuals who exhibit problematic behavior. This page tells you who to contact if you have a concern or an issue you want us to know about. And who can help you before, during, and after Fastaval.
NB! Fastaval's main organizers act on the principle that we only get involved if you contact us directly; by writing us an email, via the Safety Hosts, or if you contact a member of the main organizer group personally. We do not enter conflicts or ban individuals based on rumors or information given to us on social media. Therefore it is very important that you contact us directly if you feel unsafe at Fastaval.
No issue is too big or too small. We want to talk to you and we want to know how we create a safe Fastaval for everyone.
Love Fastaval's main organizers
Code of Care
Fastaval is an open cultural event for adults and young people. Everyone is welcome regardless of opinion, sexuality, ethnicity, gender identity, faith or age.
All participants at Fastaval are expected to treat each other with mutual respect. Hateful, degrading, derogatory or harassing behaviour is not accepted at Fastaval.
If you find yourself or others to be subject to such behaviour, please contact the safety hosts of Fastaval, the safe-mail or the General on duty. You can find out more about this here.
The main organisers of Fastaval can at any time make decisions in the interest of Fastaval and the participants there. This includes the expulsion of participants on the basis of their actions and behaviour.
The activities at Fastaval can be intense, especially some of the role playing scenarios. We tell many stories, and also some concerning, controversial or vulnerable subjects.
It is important that you are aware of your personal limits, and to speak up if they are crossed. Conversely, you also need to be aware of the limits of your co-players and of the game masters. Remember to talk to each other. It is always better to interrupt play and have the discussion, rather than continuing because you do not want to burden your co-players.
Some scenarios concern themselves with transgressive behaviour and deeply problematic actions, and that is fine, but it has to be left in the game. Unacceptable behaviour outside of the game can never be justified by the game.
Care for the volunteers
Fastaval is an event built entirely on voluntary work. Therefore, it is important to treat the volunteers properly – even when you are dissatisfied. Service areas such as the info desk and sales areas like the kiosk, coffee shop, bar, and Otto's Living room especially experience participants speaking rudely to them.
Don’t do this!
Be polite, also when things move a bit slow, or something goes wrong. The person on the other side is doing their best.
Blood, sweat and tears
Fastaval is filled with people who have spent countless hours designing and planning the activities. Writers, designers, game masters, game guides and planners all devote insane amounts of time before and during Fastaval.
Therefore we urge you to participate in the activities you have signed up for - as long as it does not impact your own well-being.
You are always welcome to get in touch with Fastaval’s main organizers. This is of course also the case if you have a conflict or an issue with a specific individual or group.
If this is the case please write us at Når de modtager din mail, indgår de med det samme i en dialog med dig om det videre forløb. Ofte vil hovedarrangørerne kontakte dig angående ynderligere information om hændelsen eller konflikten, for det er enormt vigtigt for dem, at de har alle detaljerne på plads. Det kan også være, at du har venner eller kender nogen som kan støtte op om din henvendelse. På det næstkommende hovedarrangørmøde vil den henvendelse så blive behandlet.
Once the main organisers have made a decision, Ozzy Askham Jensen and Paul Sinding will contact you with answers.
We cannot promise that we will handle your issue or try to resolve the conflict in precisely the way you want us to. But we promise to always listen openminded and to treat your feelings with respect. We strive to create a welcoming space and accommodate your emotional needs at Fastaval.
Fastaval's main organizers consists of volunteers and does not adhere to any legal form of confidentiality. But we do have the moral principle that every inquiry is treaded confidentiality and that information about personal issues or conflicts is never disclosed outside the main organizer group.
The principle of confidentiality also means that you cannot expect special insight into the handling/outcome of a case - even if it is a third party report.
NB: In cases of very serious offenses and behavior that put other people in physical danger, we will have to involve the Danish authorities
Fastaval's main organizers take every inquiry seriously. But it is important that you contact us directly on behalf of yourself or a friend. If you are in doubt whether to write us or not – then do it. Nothing is too small. We also know that in personal matters, it can take time before you find the energy to talk about bad experiences or feelings of unsafety. This is totally okay – the only thing that matters is that you get in touch.
Please contact us here Only two selected main organizers will receive your inquiry. Once we have received your email, they will enter into a dialog about the next steps. All inquiries are treated equally, but the decision to take action is made on a case-by-case basis.
Have you experienced something that made you uncomfortable during Fastaval or do you feel sad and alone? Do you have anxieties or feel emotionally overwhelmed and need someone to listen – please contact The Safety Hosts.
The Safety Hosts is an independent organizer group that is always ready with some comfort, a talk, and a cup of coffee during Fastaval. For anyone who might need it. Fastaval is a big place with a lot of people and The Safety Hosts creates a space where you can talk about everything – big and small, whatever you need. They never judge you, but they instead listen to your worries and create a secure mental space. During Fastaval The Safety Hosts keeps in touch with the main organizers, but they never disclose anything about your talks without your consent.
The Safety Hosts are only active during Fastaval. If you already know by now that you have an issue we need to know about, please write the main organizers at
You can always reach The Safety Hosts on the phone number +45 93 90 35 67 during Fastaval, or by reaching out to a Fastaval organizer near you. There will also be posters around the premises with our contact information.
#needatalk #wehavecoffee
The Safety Hosts at Fastaval consists of volunteers and does not adhere to any legal form of confidentiality. But we do have the moral principle that every inquiry is treaded confidentiality and that information about personal issues or conflicts is never discussed outside The Safety Hosts without your consent.
NB: In cases of very serious offenses and behavior that puts other people in physical danger, The Safety Hosts have to involve Fastaval's main organizers.