by Esbjörn Rundberg

As a minor god, grow an ecosystem surrounding your tribe’s old paths. Ensure that both the village as well as the flora and fauna thrives, so that the humans may all sing your praises by the altars. Introduce new species, build new buildings to exploit the current abundance and sacrifice the excess.


  • Time: 120-180 min 
  • Players: 2 – 4
  • Language: English

Two to four minor gods each try to develop their tribe as well as the biome surrounding their village. The most renowned god will be allowed to take their own place in the sky and be able to lead their people to new far lands.

Borders in nature are fuzzy and not always respected by the animals living there. To each side your biome borders that of your neighbour god while the top of the board has a shore to the common lake where all tribes may exploit the abundances created.

The people living here have old traditions and follow the same paths as they’ve done for generations, that will guide where they will hunt, trade and pray in a predictable pattern over four spaces. As their god it’s your job to guide them on what to do at each location, or even be encouraged to skip ahead to the next one with the right influence.

Where the tribe wanders, the gods' attention follows. In addition to what’s already there, the god may play new species to the active area from their hand of cards, given that the correct prerequisites are available. This may help your tribe to find new sources of lumber and prey, in addition it always looks good among the other gods if you can show off your creative skills.

As new animals and plants spring to life, they will influence the abundance of what’s available in the area, both for you and your neighbour.

The fourth space is where the tribe gathers to celebrate and share offerings with their god, to allow you replenish your hand of cards and gain recognition as a god bringing abundance to its people.

After a good celebration, the cycle repeats. Make sure to look after your people and take whatever opportunities you get to utilize the resources of your neighbours. Why not let the zebras eat the grass on the other side or see if the leopard can catch the fox?

About the designers

As an old enthusiast of the hobby, starting with RPGs back in the 90’s and later transitioning to board games, with an appreciation of most genres, Esbjörn made a first proper attempt of designing in time to participate in Fastaval last year with ‘The City Builders’. It was not rewarded with anything but the realization that it was a really fun experience that bears repeating. 

Kasper has played board games for more than 40 years. As a science librarian he loves to deconstruct games and scrutinize what makes a game bigger than the sum of its parts. He favors strategy games with historical settings. Kasper first Fastaval board game design “Witch Hunt” won an Otto for best board game and was published as “Pagan: Fate of Roanoke” in 2021.