Fastaval's main organizers take all types of enquiries seriously. The most important thing is that they are contacted directly, otherwise they cannot act on specific cases. If you're not sure whether you should write to them, do it. They also know that sometimes it takes time before you have the energy or desire to get in touch. It's okay - the important thing is that you write.
No issue is too big or too small. We want to talk to you and we want to know how we create a safe Fastaval for everyone.
Love Fastaval's main organizers
If you have an enquiry about an unsafe experience you have had, a personal conflict or experienced a breach of code of conduct, please contact the main organisers connected to the safe-mail at Only two selected main organisers will be taking your enquiry. In 2025 it is Ozzy Askham Jensen and Maj Kondrup.
Once we receive your email, they will immediately enter into a dialogue with you about the next steps. Often the main organisers will contact you for further information about the incident or conflict, as it is extremely important for them to have all the details in place. You may also have friends or know someone who can support your enquiry. At the next main organisers meeting, that request will then be discussed.
Once the main organisers have made a decision, they will contact you with a response. All enquiries are treated the same, but the decision on possible action is made on a case-by-case basis.
We cannot promise that we will handle your issue or try to resolve the conflict in precisely the way you want us to. But we promise to always listen openminded and to treat your feelings with respect. We strive to create a welcoming space and accommodate your emotional needs at Fastaval.
Fastaval's main organisers are made up of volunteers and are therefore not subject to confidentiality in a legal sense. However, they always work on the principle that ALL personal matters and conflicts are treated confidentially.
The principle of confidentiality also means that you cannot expect special insight into the handling/outcome of a case - even if it is someone you report as a third party.
NB: In cases of very serious offenses and behavior that put other people in physical danger, we will have to involve the Danish authorities