Embark on a chaotic and light-hearted journey up an iconic Warhammer river, where a handful of incompetent scavens and hangarounds must try to hold together a ramshackled submarine while navigating their own evil intentions and plans.
Players: 4
Gamemasters: 0
Total runtime: 2 hours
Language: Danish and English
Age limit: 13+
Material to be read:Up till 1 page
In this scenario there are no roles nor a game master – instead narrator tasks are passed around the table. The scenario consists of multiple small stories who all start with a narrator suggesting a new animal. Afterwards, the rest of the narrators tell their part of the story in turn. With each new animal a net of stories are woven which together tell the story of The Soul Stone.
Players: 4
Gamemasters: 0
Total runtime: 2 hours
Language: Danish and English
Age limit: 13+
Material to be read:Up till 1 page
Player types:
You like telling stories like those seen in myths and fables – not epic poetry, but stories about classic human behavior clad in animal form. And you should be able to come up with what Owl dislikes about Hyena.