by Stefan Lægteskov

Sofie lives an ordinary life in modern-day Denmark. She loves her partner, her children, her other partner and her friends. Love has many faces and Sofie desperately wants to connect with those she loves, even if it is sometimes difficult and destructive.


Players: 4-5

Gamemasters: 1

Total runtime: 5 hours

Language: Danish and English (only player materials)

Age limit: 15+

Material to be read: 1 character sheet including rules. Additionally, 1-2 pages of handouts during the game

In "When We Wake," you play as a member of the ship's crew on their way back to Earth. However, a sudden awakening from your stasis sleep completely changes those plans – someone or something has altered your course..

Your survival instincts and ability to keep a cool head will be put to the test as you slowly make your way through the ship you thought you knew so well.

When facing the unknown, you have only your experiences and memories to pull you out of the grip of panic.

"When We Wake" is retro sci-fi horror, where cathode-ray screens display infinite log messages in neon green. The spaceship is cold and dark, and your contract with The Company dictates your entire life.

The game's rules are beginner-friendly, and the scenario includes an introduction to the system. Feel free to bring your own d100/percentile dice.

Players: 4-5

Gamemasters: 1

Total runtime: 5 hours

Language: Danish and English (only player materials)

Age limit: 15+

Material to be read: 1 character sheet including rules. Additionally, 1-2 pages of handouts during the game

Player types:

You want to play a thrilling Dungeon Crawl in a retro sci-fi world. Here, both dice and storytelling are equally important, where failed dice rolls worsen your character's composure. You'll be expected to create flashback-scenes for your character, which shapes the story of the game.


Gamemaster type:

You want to facilitate a downward spiral of frayed nerves, where you have an influence on how panic spreads among the crew when they fail. This happens through the distribution of special Panic Cards. There are several short flashback scenes that you'll help the players set up and cut to bring the story to life. You also need to read Danish, as the GM text will not be translated. Only the player facing materials will be translated into english.