by Johannes Madsen og Marko Oldin
In central Copenhagen, four young adults bear witness to the death of a woman, but nobody else seems to have noticed or even seen her before for that matter. The city they once thought they knew slowly fades into a surreal echo of the city they once knew.
Players: 4
Gamemasters: 1
Total runtime: 5 Hours
Language: Danish/English
Age limit: 15+
Material to be read: 3 pages
Get ready to explore the Copenhagen that people would rather forget - and the people who live there.
Four young people throw themselves into a neck breaking quest to prove that they matter in spite of their loneliness. Each of them have a messy past, a past that threatens like a noose around their neck, and their time is running out.
The city, and it’s inhabitants are turned into an ekko or an imitation of the real Copenhagen. The normal citizens are faceless background noise, that most of all represent all the things the characters aren’t.
The View from Sortedam is about four young people - with a hint of murder in the background. The scenario has its focus on the characters interpersonal drama, their tough pasts and the development of their relationships. The the little talks and the intimate moments, not an investigation scenario.
The scenario explores the consequences of individualization; how cliques, made up social rules and taboos can cause harm, but also how rejecting society and community comes with its own problems.
- Youth
- Identity
- Copenhagen
Player types:
You want to invest yourself in the characters, their relations, backgrounds & the NPC’s they meet on their journey. You don’t have to know Copenhagen well to participate, you don’t even have to be young, you just need to be willing to play along with the absurd and help guide the story along together with the GM & the other players.
Gamemaster type:
As GM you will be the characters “tour guide” leading them through their journey in Copenhagen, as well as their interpersonal drama. Having a knack for setting scenes, gauging the vibe and knowing when to end them will help you alot. That means sitting back and listening when the players take the scene and being able to interject when it fits. You don’t have to know anything about Copenhagen to GM it.
Content notes
Drugs, violence, transphobia, religion, police violence, bullying