Since 1992, awards have been given each year to the best premiere role-playing games at Fastaval, and since 2012, also to the best designer board games. The award is called the Otto and takes the shape of a golden penguin, which is also Fastaval’s logo. The Otto Award competition is an integral part of Fastaval and has played a crucial role in developing the quality and creativity of the event. The Otto Awards are presented every year on Sunday evening at Fastaval during a show where we also celebrate the year's organizers, players, and Fastaval as a whole.
Here you can read about the different prizes, how they are awarded, who awards them and how they are defined.

Scenario Otto
The scenario Otto's will be awarded to the best scenarios at this year's Fastaval in the following seven categories: Best presentation, Best effects, Best characters, Best story, Participants' Award, Special Award and Best Scenario
Board game Otto
The board game Otto's will be awarded to the best board games at this year's Fastaval in the following four categories: Best Board Game, Best Innovation, Best Communicative Board Game and Participants' Award for Board Games.
Honorary Otto
The Honorary Otto is an honorary award given to an individual, group or organisation that has made an extraordinary contribution to Fastaval and its communities.