By Orla Lærke Hatting

“My name is Count Dracula and I’m a fangless vampire”

The choir grumbles “Hey Count Dracula”, followed by a slow half-hearted round of applause. Count Dracula starts reciting his tragic tale; the therapist nods along encouragingly.


Players: 6

Gamemasters: 1

Total runtime: 2 hours

Language: Danish

Age limit: 13+

On the door to the half empty room is a sign that reads “FA - Fangless Anonymous”.

And I lost my fangs… is a peculiar little game about losing the thing that makes you, you and me, me. It is about how we at times built our identities around fleeting and superficial things and how we handle when these things disappear - and having it a little worse than everyone else.

If you are into obscure references, then you could describe the game as an adaptation of the song Vampire by Antsy Pants, that aims to capture an atmosphere that is best described as a fusion between Gunilla Woldes Totte-books and the “testicular cancer”- meetings from Palahnuik’s/Fincher’s Fight Club.

In other words, the vibe will be sweet and childlike, but with room for feelings that also belong in a more mature world. It will at times be uncomfortably grounded and close; at times it will be as cozy as children’s bedtime story. It is a fun, weird and a bit sad; for what is a vampire without its fangs? It is like a unicorn without its horn (which would be a horse and horses are not very exciting even though they are still dangerous)