by Henrik Dithmer

“I swear, in the name of Jove, I WILL penetrate Caesar’s wife!” It’s Always Sunny in Rome is a sitcom set in ancient Rome.


Players: 3

Gamemasters: 1

Total runtime: 2 hours

Language: Danish/English

Age limit: 15+

“I swear, in the name of Jove, I WILL penetrate Caesar’s wife!” It’s Always Sunny in Rome is a sitcom set in ancient Rome. It follows Clodius Pulcher, a colourful senator with ridiculous plans, as well as the other personalities that work with and against them. It is a short-form scenario in a range of scenes, which are built around the range of shenanigans which a character sets in motion. Each scene culminates in a conflict, which is a car-driven dialogue where the worst arguments win. The scenario uses a bunch of sitcom elements- and cliches: For instance, the characters become more extreme and one-dimensional as the scenario progresses, and uses history to give it a colourful setting.

Gamemaster for this scenario are also players and they just have to explain the scenario to the other players